
Scholarship and study abroad opportunities from Bangladesh

Study Abroad From Bangladesh

Scholarship and study abroad opportunities from Bangladesh

The trend of Bangladeshi students going abroad for higher education is increasing day by day. According to UNESCO, the number of students going to study abroad in Bangladesh in 2023 is around 90,000. Many of us are very talented and it is not possible to study abroad without financial means. But this idea is not entirely correct. Some people, despite having the right qualifications, do not understand how to do it without proper guidance. So if you want to pursue higher education abroad, you should first have a clear idea about the necessary things.

Decision-making and planning: 

 If you want to study abroad, it is important to plan well in advance (at least one year). At the same time, you have to choose your country, city and university by understanding your financial capacity, future plans. Besides, if you know in advance the quality of study in the selected country, the possibility of getting a visa with your qualifications, the session and visa processing time, the chances of admission in the desired university, whether there is a possibility of getting a scholarship. If you have difficulty in deciding on such issues, you can seek help by joining the major social media platforms (Facebook group: Australian Student Visa & Other Visa Information for Bangladeshi students).

Preparations that will be needed

1. Proof of language proficiency: To study abroad in higher education, one has to prove English or the language proficiency of that country. IELTS, PTE, TOEFL, SAT or GRE are internationally recognized tests for language proficiency. In addition to the mentioned tests, application can be made in some countries through medium of instruction. So you have to determine the language proficiency test depending on which country or university you will apply to.

2. Study results: Admission to a good university abroad often depends on the results of studies in Bangladesh. You should have a score of 80% or higher in past public exams to study at various reputed universities of the world.

Country Selection: 

First a student has to decide which country he wants to study in. Because there are differences in the quality of education, cost, admission qualification in each country. The quality of study in the country you are going to, tuition fees, duration of the course, part-time job facility, scholarship facility, weather of the country, the opportunity to get a job and citizenship at the end of the year should all be considered. Developed countries, including Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, also offer immigration opportunities for foreign degree holders after completing their studies in demanding subjects. Below are the details of some of the countries:

Study in America

America is a major destination for higher education for students from every corner of the globe. If you want to study in a university here, along with good educational qualifications, well-being is also important. However, if you have a strong academic record, it is much easier to get the opportunity to study at any university in the country. Associate Degree, Bachelor, Masters, PhD programs are available in America. One or more test scores of IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, GRE are required to prove the language proficiency in this country.

Study in Australia

Australia Australia is currently the third most preferred country in the world for students from different parts of the world. The country has a great reputation for providing education of international standard. Bangladeshi students, like many students abroad, put Australia at the top of their list of preferences due to improved and safer living conditions, quality of education, climate like Bangladesh, permanent residency and job opportunities and part-time work facilities during their student days. About six to seven lakh students from all over the world go to study in Australia every year.

Study in Canada

is a North American country with a world-class education system. Canada is a country of choice for higher education abroad for Bangladeshi students like other countries due to its low cost of education, easy access to the desired profession at the end of education.

Study in UK from Bangladesh

UK is well known around the world for its UK Bar at Law, CA and other programs. Undergraduate courses in the UK last for three years. Students will be able to work part-time for a fixed period of time while studying. However, the UK Home Office said in a new announcement that foreign students will be able to stay in the UK for two years after graduation in 2020 for employment.

Study in Europe from Bangladesh

There are opportunities to study in English and local languages ​​at various universities in Europe. Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Norway are the countries most preferred by the students. In most of the countries here, besides education, there are job opportunities. Permission to stay temporarily at the end of the study is also available.

Study in China

Develop courses in Chinese higher education institutions taking into account the current global science, technology and specialization in industrialization. Lots of scholarships are also available in China. You can study in China at very low cost or in many cases with no stipend. It goes without saying that there is no problem in showing sponsors or funds. The medium of instruction in China is English and Chinese. However, even after you get a visa, you can go to China and learn Chinese before you start your main program. Those who have a gap in the middle of the parasuna can also apply to China.

Study in Malaysia from Bangladeh

The tourism-oriented country Malaysia should be the first choice if you want to get higher education from abroad at low cost as well as to bear the cost by doing part-time job. Moreover, there are cultural and food similarities with Bangladesh. With the exception of a few public universities, most institutions offer bank sponsorship and study without proof of language skills (ielts). HSC or A-level requires a minimum of 2 points.

University Selection: 

After choosing the country, I have to decide which university I can study according to my subject and financial ability. In this case too, there is a difference between the rules or requirements of one university and the tuition fee of another university. Caution is also important in choosing the subject. Because there is not much demand in our country for many things that are in demand abroad. It is better to choose a university with quality tuition and comparative tuition fee. When admitted to a university in an industrial city, students have the opportunity to earn money by working part-time as well as studying.


Different countries announce scholarships throughout the year. Under the full-funded scholarship program, the authorities are also bearing tuition fees, educational materials, library fees, accommodation, travel and medical expenses. Which removes a barrier to going abroad to study in higher education. And if it is a partial scholarship, in this case first we have to see the duration of the scholarship, whether it can be renewed. If you want to study abroad for free, you have to apply in some countries where there are no tuition fees. Many government universities in some countries, including Germany, Norway, Finland, and Sweden, do not charge tuition fees.

What documents are required:

to apply for a student visa depends on the overall condition of the applicant. The documents that usually need to be prepared are: Educational Qualification Certificate and Number Certificate, Passport, National Identity Card, Birth Registration Certificate, Bank Solvency or Sponsor Related Papers, Language Skills Certificate, Police Clearance, Passport Size Color Photograph, etc. Some documents may need to be notarized.


You can take the help of an International Qualified Education Consultant (PIER-QEAC Certified), it will take less time to get your visa decision, and remember, once you fail to get a visa, it will be difficult to get an offer letter/visa later. After all, don\’t be tempted by any glamorous ads. No one will be able to get you a visa in exchange for money if you do not have the minimum qualifications to get a visa. You can e-mail me for cooperation at the e-mail below. So far today. Good luck to everyone.


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