
Used car price in Bangladesh in 2023 be higher than in 2022

used car price in bangladesh

Used car price in Bangladesh in 2023 be higher than in 2022

Find used cars from and Compare car prices directly from the seller and buyer to buy the used car in Bangladesh at the lowest price.

We frequently search for used car prices in Bangladesh. But we couldn\’t find what we exactly wanted. This article lists
some trusted websites and their selling price for used cars. The top vehicles that are available in our country are Toyota,
Nissan, Honda, etc.

Here is the sample used car price in 2022

There are several companies that sell used cars and they are all well-known brands in this country. Most of the time,
the rate of used cars varies according to their model and conditions. Here, is the list of
some cars\’ prices and their name that I collect from websites.

Brand NameModelM.Year-R.YearLowest PriceHighest Price
Nissan Bluebird sylphy 2007-2010980000120000
Toyota Axio2013-20191495000
Toyota Corolla X2003-2006975000
Toyota Axio2010-2016800000
Toyota Vitz 2011-20151080000
Toyota Noah X2004-20091285000
Toyota Esquire2015-20182595000
Toyota Premio G Superior2010-20132050000
Toyota Hiace Super GL Loannn2016-20211965000
Toyota Allion 2009-20151810000
Suzuki MarutiAlto2005-20062,40,000
Toyota Corolla2005-20061285000
Toyota Corolla2005-20061285000
Toyota Corolla2005-20061285000
Toyota Corolla2005-20061285000
Allion 2005-20061285000
Allion 2005-20061285000
Honda 2005-20061285000
Honda 2005-20061285000
Used car price in Bangladesh on 2022

Which car is best under 9 lacs?

You can get some good models for around 9 lakhs because many owners sell low-priced cars in the market and are available as reconditioned forms in Bangladesh. Some of these are popular models such as Toyota Aqua, X Corolla, Probox, T-Carina, and Coroner Primo.

Which one should you buy?

Manual and automatic systems, both are popular. If you are interested in sports and racing, you should go for a manual transmission. Mountain roads and off-roading require manual transmission. For normal driving, you can go to the automatic transmission. Automatic transmission is easy to learn and drive.

Which brand is the best in Bangladesh?

Japanese reconditioned or used cars are the most popular in Bangladesh for a long-lasting duration. Toyota is the best car brand. It\’s a Japanese brand car that can be seen on almost every road in Bangladesh. Toyota provides the only car according to the needs of the people of Bangladesh. Silver, White, and Pearl are popular car colors in Bangladesh. During the summer and winter season car gets lots of dust on the exterior and these colors help to clean the dust visibility and look nice in all environment.

Which cars are available in Bangladesh?

Different brands are available in Bangladesh. Some of these are Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Tata, Suzuki, etc.

Minimum budget to buy a used car in 2022?

If you buy a used car then the car price in Bangladesh will be at least Taka 500,000 and you can buy a car of popular brands and models in mid-range quality. Even cheaper cars are available and one can buy cars in Bangladesh for less than Taka 200,000. The price of the car depends on the condition, brand, model, color, year of manufacture, and year of registration. Also, consider the resale value of the car you buy in the country.

Read more: Car rental company in Banglade

আ্যফিলিয়েট লিংক

ফাইলটি ডাউনলোড করে নিজের মত করে মার্কিটিং প্লান তৈরি করুন্

What are the advantages of a used car?

The most obvious reason is that used cars are more affordable in price in Bangladesh than brand-new cars. Sometimes the price difference between the two could be as big as over 50 percent. even if you sell your used vehicle after 3 years, you can get almost the same value for it if the car is kept in a good condition. With used vehicles, there are no added costs involved. If it\’s a new vehicle then you will have to pay for registration, road tax, and other RTO charges. Whereas, when you buy a used car you just pay for the vehicle, thus getting total value for your money.


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